I2I’s Heart-2-Heart on Measuring Visibility, New Team Member Announcement, and Supporting the SF LGBT Center
Happy Summer! ☀️
Welcome to June’s installment of Intention 2 Impact’s Heart-2-Heart — our monthly newsletter where we share what’s on our mind, in our hearts, and up our sleeves.
This month, we're mulling over the importance of measuring visibility, welcoming I2I’s latest team member, and giving a shout-out to one of our newest clients, the San Francisco LBGT Center!
On Our Minds
If a tree falls in a forest, but no one is around to hear it… did it actually make a sound? 🧐
First of all, we are wishing you a spacious and dreamy summer where you can lay around and ponder life’s big questions somewhere awe inspiring… a beach, a field of flowers, wrapped in a freshly washed comforter? 😍 Can you tell summer solstice has gotten to us? ✨
Second, this old adage brings up another question for us: if an organization serves a community or addresses inequities, but no one hears about it… did it make an impact?
Why, of course. Sometimes nonprofits purposefully work behind the scenes while trying to remain out of the spotlight.
However, from our vantage point, we increasingly see the importance of visibility to amplify impact.
Nonprofits and social enterprises work tirelessly to solve problems and meet community needs, but their role does not stop at providing services. They often drive public discourse and policy agendas to change the conditions that are holding problems in place.
That is why so many foundations have started funding narrative change strategies. They recognize that transforming systems requires changing how people think, talk, feel, and act about problems and their solutions — drumming up public demand for a more just and equitable world in ways that the public and private sectors cannot ignore.
In addition to narrative change, increasing the visibility of nonprofits also generates fundraising support necessary to sustain the work.
Many of our foundation clients tap us in to help measure outcomes of narrative change and communication strategies. (Shout out to one of our partners, the Elevate Prize Foundation, whose mission is to Make Good Famous!)
While marketing teams typically measure outputs (e.g. reach, engagement, press mentions), it is helpful to bring in a learning and evaluation lens to measure outcomes that unpack the relationship between influence and impact. How are people actually changing as a result of increased awareness? Are their attitudes and behaviors shifting? What does that make possible for “the work” itself?
Want to learn more about the tools and approaches we use to measure visibility? Like Chingy, we’re Only One Call Away. JK, we’re millennials - please email, don’t call. 😂
In Our Hearts
The I2I Team is overjoyed to be welcoming our newest team member & co-conspirator to the squad!
World, meet Ashley Bonilla, MA! Ashley started as a MERL Intern with I2I in early 2023, and as of June 3rd, is officially a full-time I2I-er!
Enjoy a lil’ Q&A with Ashley! You’ll be hearing a lot more from her in the months to come.
Q: What drew you to the field of evaluation?
A: As a woman of color who has faced numerous challenges and obstacles, I have always been driven by a desire to make a difference. I discovered the field of evaluation and quickly recognized its potential to drive positive change by providing evidence-based insights and recommendations. As someone who has personally experienced the impact of systemic barriers and inequities, I am deeply committed to using my skills and expertise to promote social justice and equity. Evaluation provides a powerful tool for uncovering and addressing disparities, and for ensuring that programs and services are accessible, relevant, and beneficial to all. I believe that by leveraging the power of evaluation, we can build a more just and equitable world.
Q: What is one thing your true friends know about you?
A: My true friends know that I prefer chocolate over flowers!
Q: What are you most looking forward to this summer?
A: This summer is incredibly exciting for me! I recently got engaged, and I’m looking forward to diving into wedding planning with my fiancé. One of the highlights will be a trip to Guadalajara, Mexico, where I hope to find the perfect wedding dress. Fingers crossed I find the dress of my dreams.
Also, please join us in wishing happy solar returns to our two June birthday queens: Sahiti (June 21) & Nina (June 27)! Hopefully they take time and space this month to savor their favorite things, and maybe even ponder that tree question! 😉
Up Our Sleeves
🌈 San Francisco LGBT Center 🌈
For 20+ years, the San Francisco LGBT Center has served as a beacon of hope for LGBTQ+ people. This Pride season, when communities across the US come together to celebrate identity and advocate for equality, we are humbled to be partnering with the SF LGBT Center to develop their first ever MEL (monitoring, evaluation, & learning) Framework.
Through the co-creation of this framework, the Center will: (1) strengthen a shared understanding of how their various programming connects to the overarching vision of the organization and (2) be more equipped to collect data from its programs and services to learn about its ongoing impacts in the community.
Curious about developing a MEL Framework for your org? Slide into our DMs, friends.
Onward and upward, y’all!
You know, heart-2-hearts are supposed to be a 2-way street…
So comment below, what’s on your mind, in your heart, and up your sleeve? Hopefully a lil’ bit of good trouble. 😉
Subscribe to the newsletter here!
Until next time,
Intention 2 Impact