I2I’s Heart-2-Heart on 2025 Philanthropy Trends, LA Fires, & Team Mood BoardsCreate segmentView campaignShare campaignExport
Happy new year, friends!
We’re going to keep saying that until we figure out how to write “2025” without crossing out the 4… it could be a while.
Welcome to Intention 2 Impact’s Heart-2-Heart — our monthly newsletter where we share what’s on our mind, in our hearts, and up our sleeves.
In the first newsletter of 2025, we read the tea leaves of philanthropy, share resources for how to support those impacted by the LA wildfires, and unveil our team’s annual mood boards and playlist.
On Our Minds
Here are some 2025 philanthropy trends we have our eyes on:
Philanthropy on the DEI-fense: 2020 brought a rise in explicit commitments to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) across philanthropy, corporations, and government agencies alike. Fast forward five years, and society has taken ten steps back. As the Trump administration Ctrl+Alt+Deletes DEI from every nook and cranny of government, companies and universities have also been in retreat since the 2023 Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action. This leaves philanthropy on the defense. Grantmakers with a focus on racial equity are bracing for litigation and investing in training lawyers on civil-rights and movement lawyering to assist nonprofits fearful of DEI lawsuits. Buckle up, it is time to get strategic, organize, and defend the hard earned progress of the sector. The sector is not laying down without a fight.
The Rise of Impact Investing: With the nonprofit sector under threat from the public sector, there has been increased attention on the private sector’s role in social impact. In her annual year-end open letter, philanthropy disruptor MacKenzie Scott said she is leaning into impact investing. In addition to her massive commitments to nonprofits, she is reallocating assets to invest capital in for-profit solutions to social challenges. We’ve seen this shift in how philanthropic foundations are talking about leveraging more of their endowment towards impact — finally challenging the 5% payout status quo. Is that something foundations and JD Vance can actually agree on? Like we said, times were weird.
The Comeback of Rage Giving: Some say Rage Giving is making a comeback, as donors open their wallets to nonprofits whose missions are at risk under the new administration. Only time will tell if the trend is here to stay, but nonprofits are crossing their fingers, as one study found there was a 155% increase in donations after the 2016 election. Overall, a recent survey captured a surge in economic optimism among everyday donors. Inside Philanthropy predicts that the booming stock market will “line the pockets of Blue America’s donor class” and increase giving to challenge Trump’s policies. The irony is not lost on us…
The Case for Philanthropy to Invest in Responsible Tech: Responsible technology might sound like an oxymoron these days, but some funders, like Omidyar Network, the National Science Foundation, and Ford Foundation are doubling down on their commitments to fund an alternative tech ecosystem. Can billionaire philanthropy make a dent in the tech sector’s unchecked power in governance and society? Get out the popcorn bucket; this is going to get interesting.
The Need for Innovative and Responsive MEL to Keep Up with Weird Times. This one is more of a “note to self.” All of us in the social impact measurement game need to step it up if we’re going to keep up with these precedented-ly unprecedented times. At Intention 2 Impact, our team is tracking these trends closely, and working with partners to use data in support of DEI, impact investing, donor fundraising, and even responsible tech. We’re also upping our game to provide more developmental, rapid feedback to partners and center Emergent Learning practices to ensure insights are useful, actionable, and timely in helping organizations navigate rocky terrains.
What 2025 trends are keeping you up at night? We’re only three weeks in, and have a feeling it is going to be a long road ahead…
Let’s keep having these little heart-to-hearts to stay sane, shall we?
In Our Hearts
When the I2I team signed off in December for a two week winter hiatus, we were prepared for 2025 to come in hotttt when we returned in January. However, the horrifically devastating Southern California wildfires were definitely not on our bingo card.
I2I has deep roots in the Southern California region and Los Angeles county. Like many of you in our newsletter readership, we have witnessed friends and family face profound loss and devastation in these recent fires.
As the fires continue to rage on and the folks begin the long road to rebuilding, we wanted to remind folks of ways to give back as the rebuilding takes shape. In our experience, the Los Angeles Mutual Aid Network (MALAN) has compiled the most comprehensive list of places to donate time, money, and supplies. If you are feeling compelled to donate in the days, weeks, and months ahead, please give their resource repository a gander.
Wishing everyone good health and safety in these times; take care out there!
Up Our Sleeves
Nothing says, “January energy” quite like making a fresh mood board.
H\ere at I2I, concocting a mood board to depict our individual hopes, dreams, and intentions is a cherished annual tradition. Last week, I2I team members curated their 2025 mood board and each shared their creations at our all-team annual strategy session.
We invite you to jam-out to I2I’s 2025 playlist and peruse our latest mood boards!
As you’ll see, 2025 has a lot in store for I2I team members: babies, weddings, new hobbies, and PhDs galore!
Onward and upward, y’all!
You know, heart-2-hearts are supposed to be a 2-way street…
So comment below, what’s on your mind, in your heart, and up your sleeve? Hopefully a lil’ bit of good trouble. 😉
Subscribe to the newsletter here!
Until next time,
Intention 2 Impact