The Intersection
Where ideas collide with inspiration
I2I’s Heart-2-Heart on Power, Summer Vacays, and the Audacious Project
Hopefully you’re reading this at the pool, on a hammock, or at least in-between fun summer activities.🌊☀️
This month, we contemplate power, relive summer memories, and shout out one of our favorite clients, The Audacious Project! (PS. all our clients are our favorite 😉 )
I2I’s Heart-2-Heart on PB&J (Eval & Comms), June Birthdays, and Social Bond Evaluation
This month, we boogie in the intersection of evaluation & communications, wish a happy solar return to I2I team members, and spotlight our innovative work with The California Endowment.
I2I’s Heart-2-Heart on AANHPI Month, 31 Miles for Mom, and Bicoastal Travels
Welcome to Intention 2 Impact (I2I’s) Heart 2 Heart (H2H) newsletter - where we share what’s on our minds, in our hearts, and up-our-sleeves. This is an archived newsletter from May 2023.
I2I’s Heart-2-Heart on Why We’ve Nixed Stakeholders, #SquadAdditions, and Emergent Learning
Welcome to Intention 2 Impact (I2I’s) Heart 2 Heart (H2H) newsletter - where we share what’s on our minds, in our hearts, and up-our-sleeves. This is an archived newsletter from April 2023.
Scaffolding Participatory Evaluation through Ecosystem Actor Mapping
An integral part of a MERL framework is an ecosystem actor map, which is a visual representation of all actors (i.e., individuals, communities, organizations, and networks) influencing/influenced by and impacting/impacted by a foundation’s work.
I2I’s Heart-2-Heart on the Women in Biz; I2I Team Birthday Magic, & AI Symposium!
Welcome to Intention 2 Impact (I2I’s) Heart 2 Heart (H2H) newsletter - where we share what’s on our minds, in our hearts, and up-our-sleeves. This is an archived newsletter from March 2023.
I2I’s Heart-2-Heart on the Perils of the Publishing System; MEL Love Languages, & a new Client Spotlight!
Welcome to Intention 2 Impact (I2I’s) Heart 2 Heart (H2H) newsletter - where we share what’s on our minds, in our hearts, and up-our-sleeves. This is an archived newsletter from February 2023.
I2I’s Heart-2-Heart on Artificial Intelligence, Rest for the Revolution, & Outcome Harvesting
Welcome to Intention 2 Impact (I2I’s) Heart 2 Heart (H2H) newsletter - where we share what’s on our minds, in our hearts, and up-our-sleeves. This is an archived newsletter from January 2023.
I2I’s Heart-2-Heart on 2022, Holiday Traditions, and Intentions for 2023
Welcome to Intention 2 Impact (I2I’s) Heart 2 Heart (H2H) newsletter - where we share what’s on our minds, in our hearts, and up-our-sleeves. This is an archived newsletter from December 2022.
I2I’s H2H: AEA Takeaways, Pay Her Forward, and Upcoming Trainings
Welcome to Intention 2 Impact (I2I’s) Heart 2 Heart (H2H) newsletter - where we share what’s on our minds, in our hearts, and up-our-sleeves. This is an archived newsletter from November 2022.
I2I’s H2H: #Evalpreneurship, Birthday Advice, and AEA 2022
Welcome to Intention 2 Impact (I2I’s) Heart 2 Heart (H2H) newsletter - where we share what’s on our minds, in our hearts, and up-our-sleeves. This is an archived newsletter from October 2022.
I2I’s H2H: Philanthrocapitalism + Breathwork + Fundraiser for Reproductive Justice
Welcome to Intention 2 Impact (I2I’s) Heart 2 Heart (H2H) newsletter - where we share what’s on our minds, in our hearts, and up-our-sleeves. This is an archived newsletter from September 2022.
I2I’s H2H: Trust-Based-Philanthropy + Kathleen’s Wedding + Client Spotlights
Welcome to Intention 2 Impact (I2I’s) Heart 2 Heart (H2H) newsletter - where we share what’s on our minds, in our hearts, and up-our-sleeves. This is an archived newsletter sent in August 2022.
Reflect + Refresh: Kathleen’s One-Year Retrospective
At the one-year relaunch anniversary, I2I still has an unwavering belief that when women trust their intuition, embrace their strengths, lead with transparency and equity, and show up authentically in pursuit of their dreams, we can rewrite damaging + smothering cultural and gender narratives.
The Long Game: Measuring Sustainability of Grantmaking
Recently, many of our foundation clients have adopted a renewed emphasis on the sustainability of their grantmaking, and we are HERE FOR IT. But measuring sustainability is a tough nut to crack. Here’s how we are thinking about it.
I2I’s 5 Love Languages of Social Impact
Here at Intention 2 Impact, social impact measurement is more than an art and science, it is truly an act of love to our clients and the world! In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, here’s our “5 love languages” that show up in work.
Hello Neighbor, Meet (Affordable & Useful) MEL!
evaluation capacity building + virtual training
Supercharge Your Next Evaluation with Strategic Evaluation Planning!
strategic planning + evaluation
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